Wandong, more than just a town

Wandong, more than just a town

Tennis Everyone?

Wandong has had a long association with Tennis, the first court was constructed near the overhead bridge, behind the Police station. A rough gravel court it was used until the late 30’s when a new court was built by sustenance workers at the sports ground. It was carved out of the bank with shovel and pick and served the town for many years. Bill Patton who had lost one arm in an accident on the tramline was the local “gun” player, his disability was no hinderance and he continued to work as a road builder after the war.

The asphalt tennis court was always open to anyone who wanted to have a hit of tennis, a small shed near the court held the net, later the net was moved to the timber pavilion where it was kept in a box, locals just came and used it and returned it after they had finished their game.

Heathcote Junction even had its own court, such was the popularity of the sport. Later an en tout cas court was added, this was removed with the construction of the Memorial Stadium. Now the old court has been replaced by new modern multi use courts, serving both the tennis and netball communities, with clubrooms and a vibrant enthusiastic membership.

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